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discover the world of product placement

We help you get your products/services featured in K-drama released on global OTT such as Netflix, Disney+, Hulu.

Trusted by 6,000+ global brands

What we do

Delivering quality brand exposure

Brands supported



Our PPL solution can help you secure multi-millions views to create a stronger brand positioning in your desire target market.


Celebrity endorsement can further help you increase engagement from fans and public with your products and services.


Lastly, you will be able to see an increased in conversion from global markets including Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and USA.

what is ppl?

Product Placement

PPL stands for "Product Placement" and its a form of in-direct advertising. This allows you to have your product or services mentioned in a drama, movie, or TV shows. PPL has also proven to be effective especially in K-content.


K-contents we worked with

Running Man

Reality Show - Global OTT

Uncanny Counter 2

Korean Drama - Netflix

Heart Signal 4

Korean Drama - Netflix

Crash Course in Romance

Korean Drama - Netflix


What our clients are saying

My brand has been featured in some of the most popular Korean dramas, reaching millions of viewers across the country. The exposure has been invaluable, and I've seen a significant increase in brand recognition and sales as a result. But what really sets Product Placement Korea apart is their commitment to creating authentic and meaningful placements that truly resonate with audiences.

Philip J.


My previous experiences with cross-country communication made me hesitant due to the difficulty and time it consumed. However, Filmplace made it 100X simpler. Our product was featured in a K-drama, and the results exceeded my expectations which boosted our branding and sales, and even generated buzz on social media enhancing our exposure. Best of all, Filmplace saved us all the hassle.

Susana T.

Marketing Director

I appreciate how Filmplace turns our traditional marketing into effective marketing through Product Placement (PPL) which comprehends our brand identity and values to ensure that our products are seamlessly integrated into the storyline in a way that feels organic and natural. Furthermore, they help to bring down the cost of the PPL at the fraction of the cost, making it accessible and affordable.

Henry L.

Head of Business

Get started with Filmplace PPL now

Get up to 1000% increment in ROI and global brand positioning today!
We will be able to share the next 1-2 years of upcoming K-drama. Ping us now!

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